Category «Services Marketing»

This page is especially developed for students of services marketing and it consists of all the theoretical material about services marketing course. Services Marketing is a vast and most important field for any sort of businesses and economy of any country.

Role of customer journey mapping in business success

Role of customer journey mapping in business success

Customer Journey Mapping – Why It’s Critical A customer journey map is a way of visualizing the touchpoints and experiences that each customer has with a brand over the course of their relationship with that brand. A customer journey mapping process gives us an opportunity to gain valuable insights that can be used to improve …

Business Life Cycle – Its Economic growth and contractions

Business Life Cycle - Its Economic growth and contractions

The Business Cycle GDP trends upward or downward according to its natural long-term growth rate during a business cycle. Economic activity expands and contracts over time because of this theory. For a business cycle to be complete, it must undergo at least one boom and one contraction in succession. In business cycle theory, the length …

E-commerce: Online Shopping | Web/App Buying & Selling

E-commerce: Online Shopping | Web/App Buying & Selling

E-commerce – what is it? Commercial transactions that take place over the Internet are referred to as e-commerce.  With the advent of e-commerce, the traditional retail approach has rapidly evolved into a vertically integrated model that combines both online and offline sales. A variety of products and services are available through e-commerce companies. There are …

Suppliers’ bargaining power: Suppliers’ influence on companies

Suppliers' bargaining power: Suppliers' influence on companies

Suppliers’ bargaining power: what is it? It refers to the pressure suppliers can exert on companies by raising prices, lowering their quality, or reducing the availability of their products. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers is one of Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis Framework’s forces. It represents the mirror image of the bargaining power of buyers. …

Buyers’ bargaining power: Customer is the king

Buyers' bargaining power: Customer is the king

Buyers’ Bargaining Power: What is it? It describes how customers/consumers can exert pressure on businesses to provide better service, lower prices, or improve the quality of their products as one force in Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis framework. In analyzing the bargaining power of buyers, the seller (the company) takes the perspective of the buyer. …

5 P’s of Walmart Marketing Mix: Detailed Analysis

5 P's of Walmart Marketing Mix: Detailed Analysis

In addition to its many strengths, Walmart has a competitive marketing mix that gives it an advantage over its competitors. The retail market cannot be survived with only a large capital base and luck. Despite being a large company, Walmart is able to maintain continuity with its management practices. It is Walmart’s Marketing Mix that makes …

5 C’s of Marketing: Analyzing Company’s Viable Environment

5 C's of Marketing: Analyzing Company's Viable Environment

5 C’s Analysis: What is it? An organization’s environment can be analyzed through a 5 marketing C’s Analysis. As well as providing insight into the factors that drive success, it can also provide insight into risks. 5 C’s are. Company Competitors Customers Context Collaborators The company It is crucial to identify the Sustainable Competitive Advantage …

Brand positioning: Changing consumer perceptions of your brand

Brand positioning: Changing consumer perceptions of your brand

Market positioning: what does it mean? Consumer perception of a brand or product can be influenced by its market positioning relative to its competitors. Positioning focuses on creating a consumer’s perception of a brand or product by establishing its image or identity. An example would be: Luxury status symbols may be used by handbag makers …

Consumer Buying Cycles: A Marketers’ Guide

Consumer Buying Cycles: A Marketers' Guide

There is a widespread misconception among retailers that consumer purchases are random. Buying a certain product happens either because it appeals to a certain customer or because it doesn’t. As with product marketing, they use trial and error to discover what works and what doesn’t. Would consumers follow a distinct process when deciding whether to …

7 Best Customer Profiling Tips to Boost Sales

7 Best Customer Profiling Tips to Boost Sales

Getting better leads and selling more is easier when you find the right fit for your brand. Why? A higher number of loyal brand advocates, faster sales cycles, and higher customer retention rates are all benefits of the right leads. To be successful, you need to identify and market to your ideal customers instead of …

Relationship Marketing: How to Put Relationships in the Spotlight

Relationship Marketing: How to Put Relationships in the Spotlight

There are no geographical boundaries when it comes to digital communication. On Facebook you might find an old friend, on Instagram a celebrity, or on LinkedIn a former colleague. Relationships are not built on connections. There is a difference between them. Connections can be made with just a click, but relationships take time and space …

How to Attract, Engage, and Delight B2B Customers

Marketing for B2B companies is simple: Keep existing customers and attract new ones. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? That’s not the case. It is the buying process that is complex, not the marketing part. Business-to-business buyers have changed. It has evolved over time. Buyers of B2B products and services include: Almost all steps in the buyer’s …

Ways to Target Chinese Millennials & Gen-Z Consumers

Ways to Target Chinese Millennials & Gen-Z Consumers

Brand marketers should consider generational differences as they relate to customer expectations and spending patterns in China. It is estimated that approximately 80% of the Chinese population is millennials and Gen-Z (between the ages of 21 and 35). This group of sophisticated consumers represents the biggest market in China, and they are affluent and eager …

Outbound Sales: 8 Tips to Improve Results

Outbound Sales: 8 Tips to Improve Results

Having trouble identifying your company’s target consumers? Would you like to increase your business’s revenue? The outbound sales process plays a crucial role in this scenario, no matter what your purpose is. Cold calling, email prospecting, social selling, or networking are all methods of initiating conversations with potential clients in B2B or B2C sales. Approximately …

AI in Marketing: 15 Benefits

AI in marketing: 15 benefits

Artificial intelligence refers to the use of a computer algorithm system to assist in accomplishing a task. Throughout all fields, it replaces human intelligence. This technology is used in many fields, including marketing. By using it, companies can achieve their marketing goals more effectively. Marketing uses AI for forecasting demand and reaching multichannel audiences. Here …

B2B marketing: An in-depth overview

B2B marketing: An in-depth overview

Individual marketing differs from business-to-business marketing (B2B). In B2B marketing, there are many complex terms that are used. Managing budgets, decisions, and innovative demands for B2B marketing strategies is a herculean task for marketers. Hence, B2B marketing requires a thorough understanding of each approach. No worries if you’re unfamiliar with B2B concepts and strategies. We’ll …

Customer sentiment analysis in sales: Tools, Types, & Uses

Customer sentiment analysis in sales: Tools, Types, & Uses

What products or services do you purchase online? The next question is, have you checked the reviews of the products/services you wish to buy and the feedback of previous customers? Your customers do the same thing, if your answer is yes. A successful brand is always focused on feedback about their brand, and that is …

How to Generate Leads with Meta Ads?

How to Generate Leads with Meta Ads?

The use of social media platforms has become a part of everyday life in this technological era. This is done for the purpose of getting knowledge and having fun. Nonetheless, many businesses use them to advertise their services or products. Marketers can benefit from Meta ads in many ways. With 2.85 billion monthly active users, …

Nike versus Adidas SWOT Analysis

Nike versus Adidas SWOT Analysis

Nike versus Adidas SWOT Analysis In the dynamic world of sportswear, Nike and Adidas have long stood as titans, each with unique strengths and challenges. Let’s delve into a comparative SWOT analysis to understand their current positions. Nike vs. Adidas: Modern SWOT Comparison Nike Strengths Brand Recognition: Nike’s iconic “swoosh” logo and “Just Do It” …

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