Services Classification in International Markets

Services Classification in International Markets

A useful typology of service firms in international markets is provided in Figure.  It distinguishes and gives examples of different types of service firms operating internationally with reference to two main qualifying dimensions: their respective degree of intangibility, and the respective degree of face-to-face client contact required or necessitated. Each of the four cells illustrated …

Ways to Expand Services in International Markets

Ways to Expand Services in International Markets

As with domestic market expansion, several options are available.  These include: Embedding services in some physical storage medium as a form of support which may be self-delivered (in the form of computer software, videos or international calls) Satellite and telecommunications for example) or delivered in person by an on-site representative of the service organization. Using …

Factors that drive an organization to serve in international markets

Factors that drive an organization to serve in international markets

Understanding the nature of international services first Services now account for approximately 30% of total trade world-wide. There are a few factors that drive an organization to serve in international markets.  While the mix and proportion of export services varies from one country to another. International Service Categories The main categories include; Professional services (including, …

Define Emotional Labor, Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity

Define Emotional Labor, Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity

Emotional Labor Emotional labor concerns the management of emotions by service personnel so that customers will only see desirable expressions.  An example would be a front desk manager of a hotel retaining a calm and professional appearance even when being abused by an irate guest. Role Conflict Role conflict is where service employees must manage …

How Service Management Trinity can help improve the customer service

How Service Management Trinity can help improve the customer service

Defining Services Management Trinity Whilst the power of conceptualizing the management functions as a Service Management Trinity should be evident, achieving this integration in practice may still be problematic. Unlike manufacturing in which each management function can be considered as interlocking yet separate, a service organization can be thought of as a ‘factory in the …

Using Tierney Model to improve customer service functions

Using Tierney Model to improve customer service functions

Use of three dimensions of Tierney Model The Price, Arnould and Tierney model for classifying and managing service encounters is a useful example. It uses three dimensions to describe the encounter: Encounter duration Affective content Spatial proximity For an organization that is considering how to improve its customer service function, whether to go ‘hi-tech’ or …

Medium is the Message Case Solution

Medium is the Message Case Solution

Case Synopsis This case (Medium is the message) illustrates the face-to-face nature of services along with its managerial implications.  Fly Away Travel is known for providing stimulating holidays, and also for their personal attention and care.  It is this high level of customer service that differentiates it from other travel providers.  To combat geography and …

An Effective Customer Service Organization Strategy

An Effective Customer Service Organization Strategy

Defining Customer Service Customer service is now a function that is built into the very fabric of the total service delivery and designing system. Customer service involves task-oriented activities, other than proactive selling, that involve interactions with customers in person, by telecommunications or by mail. Two main criteria of designing and performing a service function. …

Scuba Jamboree Case Solution

Scuba Jamboree Case Solution

What might have been some of the implications for Scuba Jamboree of the fact that 70% of the local diving industry was controlled by foreign operators, and the challenge for Thai dive specialists to become more competitive? A: In the dive business, accreditation by a professional organization (like PADI) is essential.  This was lacking in …

Promoting Services Review Exercise Answers

Promoting Services Review Exercise Answers

Distinguish between the internal and external role of public relations in promoting services. The internal or personnel-focused role of public relations includes culture and morale building trust and confidence building recognition and reward loyalty building serving to enhance productivity creating a climate or ambience conducive to optimum service delivery, customer comfort and satisfaction The external …

Role of Marketing Communication Mix in Promoting Services

Role of Marketing Communication Mix in Promoting Services

Role of Marketing Communication Mix in Promoting Services Service marketers usually have access to numerous forms of marketing communication. The challenge is to select the most appropriate (mix) and weave them together into a coherent, integrated program that is both effective and cost-efficient.  Elements of Marketing Communication Mix The main elements of the mix that …

5 Factors which differentiate Goods from Services

5 Factors which differentiate Goods from Services

5 Factors which differentiate Goods from Services Most of the factors which differentiate goods from services create distinctive marketing implications for service communication strategies. For example: The intangible nature of services means that Advertising is often necessary to communicate standing and reputation and, thereby, to build trust and confidence; to put a personal ‘face’ and …

Services Marketing Mini Case Solutions

Services Marketing Mini Case Solutions

Marketing Case 1: City Sightseeing Tours – A Communication Challenge Researchers are expected to discern that there is indeed a central role to be played by MC in this marketing case situation – for the purposes of. (a) making people aware of the new service, and (b) differentiating the service from the competing alternative.  This …

Capacity and Demand Managing Strategies

Capacity and Demand Managing Strategies

Definitions of managing capacity and managing demand Managing capacity refers to the way capacity is used and tailored to match variations in demand. Means for operationalizing each include: Creating Flexible Capacity Provide for additional capacity Rent facilities Manage Capacity Create flexibility in what is offered Review the hours of business Cross-train employees Managing demand, however, …

Developing Pricing Strategy Exercise Answers

Developing Pricing Strategy Exercise Answers

Q:  In what ways can pricing capture and communicate value in services? A:  Developing Pricing can capture and communicate value in a variety of ways by, for example: Making a desired service appear affordable Suggesting that what is offered is a special and limited offering with greater value than what is normally offered (Package deals …

Evaluate & maximize ARGE in service organizations

Evaluate & maximize ARGE in service organizations

Asset Revenue Generating Efficiency (ARGE) is an index or measure of the extent to which an organizations asset are achieving their full revenue-earning potential and yield.  Ways to Evaluate Asset Revenue Generating Efficiency (ARGE) Two ways to evaluate this: By multiplying the capacity utilization rate by the yield percentage, that is the total actual revenue …

Monetary versus Non-monetary Pricing Objectives

Monetary versus Non-monetary Pricing Objectives

Monetary versus Non-monetary Pricing Objectives It is important that researchers understand the role that pricing objectives play in serving the attainment of business goals and objectives, as well as marketing goals and objectives. Reasons of Formulating A Pricing Strategy As illustrated in Figure, a pricing strategy is formulated with reference to several considerations: Costs to …

Types and Significance of Service Costs

Types and Significance of Service Costs

In addition to the costs incurred by a service organization, customers may also incur up to five types of costs in purchasing and using a service: Financial costs Time costs Physical costs Psychic costs (mental effort, negative feelings) Sensory costs (unpleasant sights, noises, smells and tastes; physical discomfort) Significance of types of costs in service …

Service Delivery Strategies Exercise Answers

Service Delivery Strategies Exercise Answers

What marketing and management challenges are raised using intermediaries in a service setting and delivery? Challenges arise from multi-site service delivery involving representatives who may not be employed directly by the originating service provider.  When the provision of services is delegated or sub-contracted to external agents or representatives, maintaining control over what is provided and …

Service Delivery Process & Determinants of Effective Service Delivery

Service Delivery Process & Determinants of Effective Service Delivery

Above mentioned figure summarizes key decisions faced by management in planning and configuring the service delivery process.  Essentially these may be summarized and discussed under six main headings:  (i)           What is involved, step by step, in delivering the core and supplementary services. Note:  Shostack’s article on flowcharting or blueprinting illustrates well how this task may …

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