Tag «supplementary services»

International Services Marketing Exercise Answers

International Services Marketing Exercise Answers

Q:  What are the reasons for Servcorp’s success in international markets?  To what extent has Servcorp been able (a) to standardize, and (b) to customize its service offering worldwide? In international markets Servcorp has obviously developed both a mix of standardization (office layouts, facilities available, the way each client is treated) and customization (local staff …

Service Delivery Process & Determinants of Effective Service Delivery

Service Delivery Process & Determinants of Effective Service Delivery

Above mentioned figure summarizes key decisions faced by management in planning and configuring the service delivery process.  Essentially these may be summarized and discussed under six main headings:  (i)           What is involved, step by step, in delivering the core and supplementary services. Note:  Shostack’s article on flowcharting or blueprinting illustrates well how this task may …

Define Service Categories and Service Product Portfolio – Examples

Define Service Categories and Service Product Portfolio - Examples

By drawing upon work by Levitt, Shostack, and Gronroos its identified that a service product strategy is constituted of core and supplementary elements.  Furthermore, the latter classification may be sub-divided into two distinct categories: facilitating and supporting services.  Core/supplementary Service Categories Examples of each are provided and discussed below in some detail under the collective …

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